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This is a really fascinating game. One major problem is that its very easy to acquire too many skills for the list to hold, meaning any new skills cant be selected. Besides that issue, it's weirdly enthralling.

Thank you for your comment ! I added a menu to let you choose what skills you want to forget and what skills you want to keep when you reach the skill limit.


Just wanted to come to the actual itch page from the GMTK jam and say this game is truly brilliant, I love the skill system and the whole explorable word is incredibly impressive.

Thank you for taking the time to post a comment in the game page ! I’m glad you liked the game.


It takes a couple of tries before you understand how to play, but once you take your first steps and learn the first skills the game becomes an extremely engaging rabbit hole... and it's tremendously deep!

(In fact, it's so deep that once I learned enough skills, I couldn't confirm anymore because the button doesn't fit the screen. Couldn't resize the window either. Please fix this in the future so we might explore for longer.)

Still, fantastic idea.


Thank you for your comment ! I added a skill limit to fixed this problem.